Smile Project is an initiative that seeks to help others to smile.
We collect donations and turn them into resources that can be supplies and facilities to do dental work for those who can't afford it.
You can't imagine the confidence it brings to have a better smile.
How does it work?
It's straightforward; we raise funds in two ways.
1. By receiving open donations.
2. Donating a percentage of profits from the sales of the dental scrap Watkins Dental makes.
Smile Project wants to contribute to changing people's lives.
A study was done on the campus of Aligarh University, where they interviewed young adults says, and the conclusions were these:
"Placement of a restoration, which improves dental appearance, results in a positive effect on a patient's self-esteem and quality of life. Oral health is not only the absence of oral disease and dysfunction, but it includes its influence on the subject's social life and dentofacial self-confidence.
Self-perceived satisfaction of dental esthetics has a positive impact on a person's social and psychological behavior and dental self-confidence."