I first learned about the dental scrap industry a little over five years ago. Prior to interviewing for my former
employer, I had never heard of it before. The amazing thing to me is that from time to time I come across lifelong dentists who seem to be at near retirement age who do not fully understand the industry. I’ve had older dentists tell me they rarely use yellow gold anymore. When I explain to them that even the other metals that are fused to porcelain usually are valuable, they are shocked. So, the short answer is yes, you can sell your dental scrap.
Most dental scrap contains precious metals including gold, platinum, palladium and silver. Most people know what a gold crown looks like and can imagine that it is worth something. Typically, these crowns are made of an alloy of gold and contain a mixture of precious and nonprecious metals including nickel, palladium, platinum, and silver. Metallic bridges and PFMs (porcelain fused metals) also contain these same metals but don’t appear golden due to the lower content of gold in them.
Sometimes when I visit a dental office for the first-time people tell me they don’t save their dental scrap. I’m always baffled by this and if I can, I show them scrap I have with me and tell them how much I paid for it. I tell them that even if they sell the scrap to one of my competitors, it would be much better off than throwing money in the trash.
If you’re ever asking yourself “Can I sell my dental scrap?”, the answer is most likely “yes!”. The only questions left are “what is my dental scrap worth?” and “where can I get them most for my crowns?”. You’ve come to the right place! Call Watkins Dental Refining for answers to all these questions.
What happens to the scrap you buy?
I am often asked what happens to the dental scrap I buy. When we buy scrap it is melted down and any nonmetallic material such as porcelain and root is removed. The remaining material is tested to verify the quantities of gold, silver, palladium and platinum it contains. Then it is resold based on the assay report of that metal.
Call us to sell your dental scrap: 978-994 2067